Sunday, March 25, 2012

TOP SECRET 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' DVD Giveaway and Trivia Challenge Random Answer Key REVEALED!

We'll be giving away 9 brand new DVD copies of Ed Wood's 1959 classic, 'Plan 9 From Outer Space', before each performance.
Along with a copy of our poster by Dre Lopez, it's the perfect souvenir to take home from your 'Plan 9' Near-Undeath Experience.
This is a special edition version that includes extra features, such as interviews with Johnny Depp, who played Ed Wood in the movie, 'Ed Wood', and more!
After my Directorial Introduction Speech, I'll be posing 19 questions about the film to the audience. Whoever answers a question correctly wins a copy of the movie.
If you're already a 'Plan 9' fan, these are things you should know. If you're not that familiar with the movie, rent it or watch it online today!
Or, you can just review the following Top Secret confidential random answer key, and create your own cheat sheet before the show.
The only problem is, you won't know what the questions are, unless you're as psychic as Criswell...

Good Luck
Watch Out for Flying Saucers
See You At The Show

1) 'The Solarmanite'

2) 'Dictorobitary'

3) Long distance electrodes shot into the pineal pituitary glands

4) Four

5) 'Somebody'

6) Because of DEATH - Because all people of Earth are IDIOTS!

7) Albuquerque

8) The 'Higher Echelon'

9) Big Army Brass

10) Vitamins

11) Jeff's pillow

12) Mac

13) San Fernando

14) 'Danny Boy'

15) A 'Modern Woman'

16) An 'even dozen'

17) 'Flying Saucer Field Operations'

18) Approximately 39 times

19) 'Graverobbers From Outer Space'

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